Shanuani Gaspar Ortega

Shanuani Gaspar Ortega

Shanuani Gaspar Ortega

Pátzcuaro, Michoacán

The family taller (workshop) located in Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, consists of Mario and Beatriz and their three sons Erandi, Hiquingari, and Kuricaveri. The family works collectively creating wooden plates, boxes, jewelry boxes, trunks, wooden crosses, jewelry, and other pieces of various sizes all decorated with outlined lacquer techniques. Laca or Maque (lacquerware), developed in Mexico in the pre-Hispanic period, uses a greasy substance from the aje (ox warble fly) and/or oil from chia seeds mixed with powdered minerals to create protective coatings and decorative designs. This pre-Hispanic art form is carried on generation after generation by Taller Artesanal y Familiar Seshashi.

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